Sunday 25 January 2015

Back in Biz baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!r

Well it's been absolutely ages since my last post so it's well and truly time for one. With the advent of Christmas I have had very little time for plane building. I have managed to get a few things done however. Just yesterday as it happens, I managed to finish the vertical stabiliser. I can't remember if I mentioned it before, but there has been some confusion regarding at what stage the quick build kits leave the factory. Well I'm just assuming this, as I have seen pictures of them leaving the factory with the whole vertical stab main bracket all assembled and fixed in. Mine was missing that section, along with the parts to make it, that is; some aluminium spars and so on. Long story short, Sonex have been really good about any missing parts and have sent them all through. I am still missing one lower bracket but it hasn't stopped me from installing the tail and horizontal stab.

I must admit it took me quite some time to work out what the spacers were for when assembling the tail. I had to really strain the brain and study the plans regarding the tail and fuselage section about how it all worked. Eventually I got there and it seems straight forward now, ironically. 

Now all I need is the lower aft tail bracket that is missing, and I can paint and permanently bolt the tail and horizontal stabiliser to the plane.   ;). 

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