Photos, I hope got it from every angle.........just in case you missed it.... it does look pretty.
I did do a little work on the fuel lines too tonight. I was never happy with the routing of the lines and after the inspector mentioned it, I sat down and had a good look on how I could improve it, in accordance with the Aerocarb manual. I hope that I have interpreted it right. Uphill from the gascolator, No big curve backs, shortest path possible. I have flown with this exact carb with some serious burps before on the other plane so if I do encounter some on my first flight at least I will know what they are and not freak out. I also still need to insulate the Gascolator but will do that later.
So anyway, hopefully I can start to get some momentum happening again and get the project back on track.
Here is a parting shameless selfie from my last flight in the old plane. Was a good local flight over my house.