Monday 21 December 2015

A change of scenery

So I have started to make some plans about relocating the plane now to the local airport. I need to sort out the weight and balance and carry out all the final rigging so I can go about obtaining a Certificate of Airworthiness. The best place to do this is at the field so I can have the wings on permanently and do all the fuel calibrations as well with avgas.

Some small tasks I have had to do before this occurred was re glueing the dash matt down, changing the turbo boost line as requested by my TC to a braided Teflon hose and sorting out a multitude of bits and bobs that come into play when doing finalisation work. All in all I am travelling well on the "to do" list. 

It seems my other plane has been a little harder to sell than first anticipated. I was banking on the folding wings to be a real drawcard in this day and age of ridiculous hangarage prices but I guess not. I still have some interest in it so I will give it a few more weeks and if it's a no go I will bring it home and wait until the market improves while I carry out the list of things I would like to optimise. 

I am not sure why, but my Tacho has been a real issue to sort. I at first had a real variable reading and thought I would sort it out sometime later. Well that later soon came and I had a good time trying to fix it. I changed wiring routes, changed wire types and many things in the settings on the RPM 1 and 2 lanes. Eventually I wiped all of my settings and inputted them again. This gave me a reading, finally, and you wouldn't believe how happy I was to see it reading correctly as I was at the stage where I was almost certain it would have to go back to the factory for some fix or another. Still it worked well so all in all a good outcome.  

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