Wednesday 4 July 2018

I finally have a Plane !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, As the title goes I am at that point now where I fully believe I have a reliable, functional, trustworthy and dead set awesome aircraft.

I have sort of slowly come to this conclusion over the last few weeks as I now have quite a few hours on the clock where I have done nothing more than put fuel in the plane and look at things. The cooling system is going better than I could have imagined and the 3d printed engine mounts are working so well I almost can't believe it. The plane is running like a Singer sewing machine so I have nothing at all to complain about. Go figure that from me.

I have been doing Aeros, Formation, Circuits, Nav's , Pfl's you name it and the plane has just been going great. I have been flight testing using blends of Avgas and Premium Unleaded 98 octane with results that are looking promising. In my last plane with the Aerovee I had major cooling issues and the Premium fuel was not really viable as the temps were a little higher. I am glad to say though with this engine and unleaded fuel the temps have so far shown no noticeable increase and the engine runs exactly the same as with straight avgas.

I'm really positive about how the plane is going now that I actually am starting to trust it a little. I'm not quite ready to go over tiger country just yet or down our coastal corridor but those days won't be far away at this rate. My next wish list is to carry out a dynamic prop balance to hopefully make it run that extra bit smooth. I will report how that goes when or if I can make that happen in the not too distant future.  

So signing off now with a big Double Thumbs Up.

 Sonex 1645 


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