Thursday 4 April 2019

And so it begins

Well I haven't been mucking around in regard to this conversion. I have had a bit of help for all the planning and so on behind it. We had quite a successful weekend and it's sort of in place on the Sonex.

The jig is basically there to keep the prop hub in the correct position as per the old hub. A friend had also made up some spacers I could use to allow the engine to come forward or backwards via shims and to be able to position it correctly for the weight and balance. We’ll see how that all works out. 

So it looks like the Aerovee engine mounts had actually worn through again. I am a little surprised,  after all the work we did making the mount square and running new bushes. Anyway that's now a thing of the past. We have some plans for the new mount so hopefully this will never occur again. 


  1. Brett, My name is Peter Henry I live in Victoria, have a Waiex and would really like to talk to you about your engine conversion. Could you please private message me on the email supplied.

    1. Hi Peter Henry, I also have a similar engine configuration, my email is if you would like to exchange ideas.


      Murray Parr
