Saturday 26 July 2014

About to leave factory in Oshkosh

 So here are couple of pics showing how the Sonex kit has left the factory around a month or so ago. It looks superbly packed and no doubt will arrive in Australia just as it left. I must say I am looking forward to seeing it arrive and having it tucked away nicely inside my shed so I can start to build.
I guess you'll be saying that it looks quite built already. Well as it happens I have bought the quick build version of the aircraft. The factory has assembled a good portion of it, but believe it or not, there is still 51% left to build.
After finishing my first plane I vowed never to build another one,, haha.
I did look at buying second hand vs new and so forth, but in the end decided to buy new and build. There are some fantastic second hand Sonex planes out there in Australia and it would have been far cheaper to buy a second hand one. The main reason I didn't was that I plan to register this plane in the GA experimental category, and as it happens, in this situation, if you don't build the plane you cannot maintain it. Had I bought one and registered it through RAA I could have maintained it, but unfortunately no Aerobatics would have been the case. Only in GA can you legally do Aerobatics. Oh did I forget to mention that,,, yes this plane is Sportsman Aerobatic rated. Not that I'm really a big fan of Aero's but if I have the plane, it would be nice to be able to legally do them.


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