Monday 25 August 2014

Huge couple of weeks.

I'm really quite astounded by how the last 2-3 weeks have flown by. I arrived back at work today and really am just looking forward to just having to do my job, now that all the missions are over, and not having to worry about anything for a while.  I finished night shift last week and had about 5 hours sleep then drove to Perth to pick up the plane.  There was no chance my poor little car was going to be able to tow this largish trailer and the plane, so I had to borrow one and use that to tow it back to Geraldton. I arrived down at Fremantle port only to be horrified by what I saw. The box had been damaged in transport! At the time I really had no idea if there was anything damaged inside and really all I could do was load it up, return home and see when I unpacked it.

The trip home was rather uneventful. It was an easy drive, taking it quite slowly, but that was all good. I got home had a small break then set about unloading. So hours later I had it all unloaded and in the shed and looked upon what had happened. Thankfully there were only a few small, very easily repairable, dings. Sonex have been awesome about it all and are helping me out with what I need to do. I tell you, it really makes such a difference having these guys in your corner. I  can't express how helpful they have been through these last 12 months and now this as well.
So luckily I had my stock controller helping me with the inventory ;). It's quite a long winded task to find and tick off all the bits and pieces.

I did have a bit of a look at how the plans work and I'm slowly starting to get the hang of how the number system and so forth work. Just laying out the tail pieces and so on gives you a little understanding and I'm sure soon it will all make sense.

I had a few little chores to do on my current flying plane this week and had a good amount of things to do around the house as well so I didn't really concentrate too much on the Sonex. I think I'll probably have a good try next break when I can focus on it and not have all the extra distractions to worry about.
It had been so busy of late that when I looked at my log book, it had actually been one month since my last flight! I managed a short  but sweet flight in the pup to brush off some cobwebs and keep the engine turning.  Definitely next week I will need a longer flight however :)

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