Sunday 7 September 2014

Another week at the office

Well Monday, and that means work, is approaching fast. I've had quite a good week on reflection. I've managed to make a fair portion of the horizontal tail and elevators.

 The elevator horn bracket is all drilled and riveted,including the rivnut plate.

Managed to cut out the skins for the elevators.

A temp mock up of the assembly before I start drilling heaps of holes to make sure it all lines up. Looks good so far but had to call it a day. 

I guess it's probably not a huge amount to achieve for a week off but we have had visitors for the last few days and also today was Father's day so a few Dad things were done too. 

Friday was a good day for flying... and as someone else called it "Formation Friday", a few of the locals departed Geraldton for Jurien Bay. We met another bloke from Perth to make it a four ship formation prac day. I was still humming and harring about going as I hadn't made any commitment but on the morning when they were about to go I hightailed it to the airport as I would have been absolutely spewing if I had missed out on a day like this to stay home and drill and rivet a few holes. 

 We had a couple of Airforce trainer PC-9's drop in for some circuits and short field stuff as well during the morning... They didn't stop for a chat though.

It was a prefect day weather wise for it and a heap of fun was had by all. I'm just so keen to get my Sonex going too so that I can be the 5th party in this formation team. My current plane is just way too slow. I managed to grab a back seat ride as well that day in an F1 Rocket,,,, sheesh what can I say but, that is an awesome plane! The takeoff was intense regarding power and it also flew like it was on rails. Sadly, way out of my budget regarding running costs and ownership, but I won't forget that ride for a while. 

I had a bit of a typo in the post previously regarding the amount of rivets. I think I mentioned 1000. Well that figure was a little out it seems. Had a bit of a look at the inventory and 3000+ would be closer to the money. I am starting to make quite a pile of spent rivet shafts on the floor so a good clean up will be in order next break. 

I have also added an email subscribe button to the bottom of the page (I think ) so that if you add your email I guess you will see when I update the blog. This post will be a good test as I have added my wife's email to test it. I can't see if anyone has added their email or not so I don't know who, or if any, ppl had signed up to it. Maybe when I get a bit more used to this blog perhaps I may find a section in the stats page or something. 

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