Wednesday 3 September 2014

Getting the Biz done,,,,,,,

It was a pretty good day today. I got up early-ish and was down working in the shed at about 6.30am. I was messing around again with the horizontal stabilizer and getting ready to up drill and rivet it all together.

All was going quite well but I had to deviate from the plan and do a few missions un- plane related :(   ,,,haha,  nah was all good.
 I had a phone call early in the piece reminding me of a interesting thing happening at the airport today.  Later, at 10.45am I'm guessing, the inbound call was heard on the airband  radio and my mate called me to let me know about the arrival of two inbound Chinook Helicopters at YGEL. I headed straight down there for a look, as you do, and a chin wag with some of our Army guys. We were allowed an on board walk around and took heaps of photos whilst they refueled and prepared to set off for Perth

Anyway after that I was pretty pumped so I came back home and got down to the grind again. I managed to get the whole horizontal stabilizer all drilled, deburred, riveted and ready for skinning tomorrow...maybe if time allows.
I've spent, without exaggerating, hours looking for a bracket for the vertical stabilizer. I am at the stage now where I am pretty much certain it hasn't come in the kit. I will email Sonex tonight for their opinion.

Here's tomorrows mission if I can find that missing Spar ,,,,, Vertical stabilizer.

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