Friday 26 December 2014

Stalled just for a bit.....

It's been a few weeks, unfortunately, since I have been able to do any work on the Sonex. I have had to do a few things with the Aeropup regarding the cooling baffles and so on. It's also come to that time of year again when it pretty much blows 20 kts constantly and is usually over 30-35 degrees, so flying hasn't really been pleasant.  Being close to Christmas as well , time just seems to be slipping by a little too quickly.

I have found the probable cause of an issue that has been a long time gripe I've had with the Pup, which is a positive find. I have always felt the engine vibrates quite significantly. Since comparing the factory Sonex Aerovee engine mount with my current mount, I have found the engine mount rubbers are far too compressed on my engine. The pins that the rubbers sit on need to be extended. I have contacted the Sonex help via email about possible fixes I could do and await their response.  I expect they must be seriously busy over Christmas so am not surprised that its been over two weeks now with no response.  It's not like I don't have plenty of other work to do regarding building the Sonex!

I would like to try to finish the paintwork on the fuselage. When Christmas is over I will have to try to do early morning, or late afternoon coats.  The middle of the day is just far too hot and the paint would almost dry as it leaves the gun.

SO....... what I have done on the Sonex since the last installment is a short list:

-  I have removed the lower floor on the Sonex in preparation to install the elevator push rod and             rudder cables.
- The dual control sticks were bolted in.
- the holes drilled for the elevator attachment.

Here's hoping to a productive new year... maybe even to see it fly in 2015 :)

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