Tuesday 28 July 2015

Whiting out

With junk everywhere I had a really big task of cleaning up the shed in preparation for spraying the last main components. I gave the spray gun a good clean out as well before trying to paint. It had sat there for a while so, just in case, it was stripped and cleaned. I still need to paint the floor of the front fuselage, but will get to that in a few days.

 My free time, as it turns out, has come to an abrupt end. I will be starting work again soon and basically only have one more week off to work on the project. From then on, I will have to be like the majority of mankind, and finish the building while juggling a full time job as well. It has been good while it lasted but I needed to get a job so I have something to pay for the AVGAS I will be using :)  

I have noticed with the overspray in the shed, nothing is safe under waist level. The wheel spats up high on the shelves have been a fun little experiment. I guess gravity plays its part well there. After spraying the wings today I still don't have one speck of white paint on the spats. The fans I have been using for added ventilation, not shown in the pics, tend to draw it out pretty quickly anyway so really it's just the floor that suffers. 

Just thought I'd throw this one in. It was a beautiful day flying last Sunday. Barely a bump in the sky. 

I still have some red paint to go on the tips of the Ailerons so not quite finished here. The flaps are done however. I will wait a day or so before taping up the white for the red strips. I would hate to mark the soft paint in some way. They have come out great.

I have been quite miserable with the paint on the aft floor. I have covered it ok but I haven't really laid it on to bring out that nice 2 pack shine. In an attempt to save paint/weight and the fact that no one really will see underneath it, except for when I'm flying.

 Painting a few odds and sods. In an absolute brain fade I painted the fuel door white :)    It is supposed to be red. Oh well... can fix that :)

Painting the wings took so much paint that I just about fell over. Both wings there took a full litre and I have missed the tips due to them being planned to be red. I had done a light coat again on the undersides of the wings for the same reason as above but I think, end count, I had 4 coats on the top and I can bet you, in a good light, there will be spots that seem thin. I am not sure if I have been laying it on thick enough or what but it just seemed to keep needing more. I ended up with more runs than the Australian cricket team so I have another task fixing them as well.  The paint has come out well though and all n all I shouldn't complain.

I am off to Perth tomorrow to attend my Maintenance Procedures Course for the SAAA. Having this course done will be a huge weight off my mind. One very big hurdle, I now won't have to worry about again... maybe.

When I get back I will seriously need to do something about selling my other plane. I just haven't had the heart to sell it as it is now going so bloody well it makes me cry to have to move it along. I have had to fight tooth and nail to get it to this point. I guess though the next owner will enjoy the fruits of my labour. If I had the money, and could keep both, there would be no way I'd sell it. 

Perhaps after I paint the Wheel spats :)

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