Monday 21 December 2015

A New Home

On the 12th Dec the plane went to the airfield.

 Our trusty Transport tech
 The centre figurehead and finance officer
Don't panic, there is a mattress under the wing :)

BTW wings laid out on the wrong sides,,,ooops

It was one of the most nerve wracking things I have done in the last year or so. It all worked out really well. My mate was a bloody legend in helping with the transfer and it went smoothly. 
By the end of the arvo there were people EVERYWHERE, coming and having a look at the new plane. It was a bit of a stress here and there. I was trying to get the wings mounted and so on as I had planned on the weight and balance for the next day. A good friend had driven a 1000km round trip and picked the scales up for me and they needed to be back for the following weekend for someone else so the job was certainly 'on' as one would say. 

We eventually got the wings on toward the end of the day. It was good that I had other builders to help me as it made all the difference. You can always count on another builder to have those bits and bobs in the hangar like the extra split pins and bolts and nuts that weren't quite right. Someone drops a hardware assortment kit in front of you and suddenly your world is all happy again. Another builder came out especially half way through the day at the drop of a hat to help me install the three Solid rivets that the plans call for in the spar tunnel. That was one of those jobs again I thought I would just get around to and then when putting the wings on thought aaarrrrrggghhhhhhhh. 

All in all I rate the 12th of Dec as a 9 out of 10 :)

End result...what's this then?????

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