Saturday 6 February 2016

The Waiting Game.

Well it sure has been some time since an update. To be honest I haven't really had anything to report. As it stands now I am just waiting on the inspectors to make the trip to Geraldton and see what they think of the finished plane.

I have been tinkering a little on the plane. I have had my data plate engraved. I had one already done previously from Aircraft Spruce but I also had a second one from the SAAA. I thought, seeing as I am going through the SAAA, I would use their data plate so had a second one engraved. I have also done a climb attitude fuel flow test. This proved it has a nice fuel flow for those big long climb outs ;) to 16 000 ft ;).  The Tacho issue is finally resolved and now reading well. I have done a few run ups and reset the tappets just for something to do last weekend. I also have adjusted the Ailerons so they line up with the flaps,,,,looks cool now ;).  I did have an unusual issue raise its head last week. I would have nice and free movement of the ailerons but when I added full back stick also, they were jammed. I looked into it to find that the rod ends were causing the issue after the adjustments. I had never had the lock nuts on the rod ends tight. To have full and free movement over the whole spectrum of travel the rod ends need to be adjusted and tightened in a specific position. I have never come across this issue or read about it b4 so I thought I would mention it in case others one day find they have the same problem. It is possible to have full travel and both rod end tight but it took a few goes through get it right. Hopefully I haven't missed something in the plans explaining all this.

Pilot awaiting,,,,,,,, I think that's all these photos portray.... 

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