Sunday 19 May 2019

Oil tank and lines

The oil tank has been one of the easier aspects of the installation. I needed to have it vertical for in flight operations so its on an angle in the 3 point attitude. I have tried to get it as the manual says and have the oil level half up the tank equivalent to about the same on the engine sump... Something like that anyway. I tried to get it as close as possible. I have also mounted it as such that I can adjust it also if needed to tweek it if I find it necessary.  

I have replaced all the oil lines with new hose and so on throughout the system and generally tried to use pinch clamps where possible. As you can see I have tried to also fire sleeve every oil and fuel hose and also fire sleeve the majority of the wiring harness. The old plane came with a huge amount of thin fire sleeve suitable for just this so I incorporated it into the install. I had to buy a few meters of thicker fire sleeve but that's about it. 

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