Wednesday 5 June 2019

So close I can smell it

Well I haven't taken any photos lately, So I will throw in something just to keep it err yeah.......

  I have managed a few little chores on the plane just to keep things ticking over. 

-I have modified the fuel lines slightly but barely worth a mention.

- I've added a couple of springs and clamps to support the exhaust muffler as the distance from the engine is probably just a tad too far for comfort. 

- I managed to block off the left hand cylinder cooling intake slightly to avoid any cowling equalizing so I can get maximum draw from the original outlet. It had a section of the intake just open to the lower zone so I blocked that off.

- I carried out a Carburetor balance and sheesh that was worth it...the difference was noticeable... so worth it.

- I had noticed the oil sender was a little erratic so replaced that.

- My fuel pressure sensor has failed after just 3 x engine starts...really stoked that not! I'm looking into a more reliable brand sender. I know it's not a big ticket item to view on the iefis but definitely nice to know if you have it or not. 

I absolutely think it's ready to fly but I just need the Prop now from Sensenich. I have a bad feeling my Government will hold it hostage until they see every tax paid, and some, so I am crossing my fingers customs get their shit together and sort it out quickly. 

So rather than just harp on while I play this waiting game, I just thought I'd add some old photos to show what a Boss time I had with the old Aerovee Turbo...   Sheesh it was a quick plane with that motor combo.  I was just too miserable to put the fuel through it to see those results. 

I had a conversation with another builder about speeds at 8500ft... I have all the old cards from the flight tests from the origination Phase 1 ... I remember seeing   146 kts at 8500ft @ 35" map straight and level maintained.  It was making some noise then but definitely moving along. 

I can't wait to get flying again.  I never realized how much I enjoyed owning and flying my own plane until it happened. I am desperate now to get back into it.  I know this is my second plane but this one has really given me a taste for what can be. I just love it.  I open the hangar doors, pre-flight, jump in and step into another world. I just can't explain that feeling of freedom granted to so few who can and chose to take it. I feel privileged that I have flown something I have built. The Sonex is an Awesome plane. I thank John Monnett for designing it and Jeremy for selling it to me at Oshkosh.

 Its like strapping on a go kart. But one that flies!

What is better ??? 


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