Sunday 30 January 2022

Smoke on!

 I had always been thinking about adding a smoke system but really never focused on that due to engine  reliability issues. Seeing as that has now been resolved, I set about fitting one. 

It was actually a really easy install to be honest. I ordered a couple of smoke injectors from Spruce and sourced all the other parts locally. I did try to buy smoke injectors from the 'Smoke systems helper' guy but the freight into Australia was $350 USD . That made my eyes water at the thought. Even the freight through spruce was $45 USD just for something the size of a small padded envelope. Freight at the moment into this county is an absolute joke. Anyyyway  so they arrived and I set about installing all the other components. 

My initial thoughts were to have a system that was virtually completely removeable. This didn't really happen in the end as I had no real workable way to secure the pump and so on to the tank that was acceptable to my liking. I ended up opting for a removeable tank but left the pump and valves etc permanently mounted onboard with a check valve to stop any oil leaking when disconnected or contamination as such. The pump and valves didn't weight much in the end so I feel it wasn't a huge weight penalty really. 

The pump was mounted right behind the seat and the tank in the cargo bay via some straps. It seems quite secure but sadly I think I need to move it as the pickup in the tank is not in an ideal spot for when I'm climbing.  Also its too hard to lean over to remove or refill. I am yet to think of where I can move it to but will need to do something soon. 

I had planned to have two smoke injectors but delays in the arrival of the fittings made me change my mind. I had ordered stainless steel fittings for the attachment of the lines to the smoke injectors but aluminum one came from the supplier by mistake. Anyway I ended up getting a local hydraulic hose place to crimp fit a steel one onto the series 200 hose and just used one injector. This turned out to be a good idea as I was unsure about where exactly to place the injector in fear of it being too far away or too close to the head. I ended up opting to put it 30cm down stream from the head, but think it may be a little close as at full power, the smoke goes a little black. At about 4800rpm the smoke is nice and white but at 5100 it goes a bit black. 

I plan to add a second injector soon so will place it about 35cm away this time and hopefully the two of them will be ok as is. 

I ended up using a brass one way valve with a 5psi over ride and when turning the smoke switch on and off this ends up with a very clean cut off of smoke. It works better than imagined so am really happy with it. I took very little photos of the install but will try to get some later and maybe add to this post when the system is done and complete. 

Anyway, here are some vids of it. With just 1 x injector, can't wait to see how it goes with two fitted! 


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