Thursday 21 May 2015

Fuel system

Contrary to my wants about a simple fuel system I have gone ahead and ordered a Gascolator.

I didn't want to due to the issues they can cause with using an Aerocarb but thought it really is the best way to filter the fuel and have a standard water trap.

That little 1/8 npt bung there made me feel so good to fit. Having forgot to order one with the gascolator I remembered I had one floating around from my last plane build. You wouldn't believe how long I spent looking for that little bad boy but the sense of righteousness after I found it and installed it, after having stored it in my shed for years, made my day. Best part too was it even was a matching colour. :)  

I have decided to try to use the Aerocarb again. I want to see if I can get it going on the engine and plane it was designed for. Also at this stage I don't want to buy a $1200 Rotec TBI. I love the product but I think the guy selling them is a .....   

I am hoping that I can get it working fine and maybe my issues on the other plane were the very high head pressure from the high wing tanks affecting things badly and the heat build up. Consequently however none of that matters with the Rotec TBI. They perform so well I probably will end up buying one but that is something I can do later down the track if things don't go well with this Aerocarb. 

View of the fuel tank fittings. I would like to make some form of lever for the fuel valve on the dash but will give it some thought and see how I go. 

 I have been getting some nice flying in lately now that I have sorted out a lot of the issues with my other Aerovee. This a such a great time to fly here in Winter. Nice and smooth and not hot. 

I can't wait till I can do the same thing in the Sonex.

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