Thursday 23 July 2015

Wing'ing it at the end

Seeing at the fuselage was almost complete, my last task was to finalize the wing side of things. Both flaps and Ailerons still had to be built and fitted so I got started on them.  I began with the ailerons as there was a lot more work involved. The first task was to make the counter weights. Drilling the lead was fun but I got there in the end. I found starting at 1/8' was a more workable size and moving up from there to the final snug fit of 3/16'. There actually was a lot more work involved in making the brackets up for the weights including fill in spacers and so on.

The next job was to make one of the flaps. These took half the amount of time and came out really well too. 

This was the end result for both items. I still need to paint and balance the Ailerons as per the manual but they are only sitting on two clecos anyway until my rivets arrive from Sonex. I was short a huge amount of rivets and ordered another 800. This will see me through I think/hope. 

So here they are now all made and temp fitted. I will need to paint the wings now and do a final balance then permanently rivet on the control surfaces. These were the last big ticket items I had to make. From now on there is only really final fitment of components and making things just right. 

Tomorrow's operation may be to fit the wing ends and trim down the control surfaces for a nice finish. An early start in the morning may see this done in a day. 

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