Thursday 10 September 2015

Stalled just a little turning onto Final

Well it's been quite some time since any significant work has been carried out. My new job seems to be impeding my progress significantly.  But really, without a much needed final TC visit, I couldn't have done that much more in realistic terms anyway.  This weekend I am scheduled for a visit from the SAAA guys so I am looking forward to seeing what they think.

I have been busy again with maintenance on the Aeropup. This continuous oil leak has been driving me up the wall. The engine runs so well now but the leak has just been driving me nuts. I hope it is fixed this time.

I have also been doing some final work on the cowlings and been trying to tidy up those small bits and bobs. I am sure once the cowls are done and repainted it will look great. 

The Sensenich Cruise prop has also arrived in the mail. Oh what a sweet piece of work this prop is. I am really keen to bolt it on but I will hang off until the aircraft is at the airfield. I would hate to damage it or compromise it in any way just for the benefit of seeing it on the nose. I am getting really excited about how it's all turning out. I feel it will be such a great aircraft with the turbo'd engine. 

So with essentially nothing else to report, I guess that is it. 
Stay tuned :) 

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