Wednesday 21 October 2015

Remembering where the shed is

So, I have, in what I think, found my spine again, and am going to get my act together. Since starting a new job and a few other cards being thrown out on the table, the poor ol Sonex has taken a place on the priorities list somewhere near house cleaning.  I have ordered a few things from the outcome of the TC inspection and they basically arrived today. This mostly was bolts and fuel fittings, but all jobs to be done none the less. One of the big players to arrive in the bolt order however were the prop bolts. SO......... basically one could not resist in fitting that fine specimen that I received in the mail some time ago.

Photos, I hope got it from every angle.........just in case you missed it....  it does look pretty. 

I did do a little work on the fuel lines too tonight. I was never happy with the routing of the lines and after the inspector mentioned it, I sat down and had a good look on how I could improve it, in accordance with the Aerocarb manual. I hope that I have interpreted it right. Uphill from the gascolator, No big curve backs, shortest path possible. I have flown with this exact carb with some serious burps before on the other plane so if I do encounter some on my first flight at least I will know what they are and not freak out.  I also still need to insulate the Gascolator but will do that later.

So anyway, hopefully I can start to get some momentum happening again and get the project back on track. 

Here is a parting shameless selfie from my last flight in the old plane. Was a good local flight over my house.  

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