Thursday 20 November 2014

Smashing the work out!!!!!!

Well I haven't actually been 'smashing' anything, but a saying we have in my industry or trade when things go well, or you get heaps done, is called just that "smashing it out". This week has been one of those times when everything has just been falling together without a hitch or mistake. After having gotten over the lowered seat option, I knuckled down and got back into it. Up to now I have been putting off finishing the elevator due to the fact that I wasn't sure how to get it all straight and lining up without a hitch. I had a few issues with the last plane I built, with a few things like this, and I was determined not to make the same mistakes.   I needed a large enough flat surface and I didn't have this in the shed so along came the kitchen bench-top :)

Served absolutely perfect for the job and the wife even helped me most of the day without complaint (sort of) and the end result came out perfect. 

I managed to do a little shed flying the day before as well. Seeing as the seat was installed I thought I would see if there was enough clearance for us both. I temp fitted the seat cushions supplied by Sonex and tried it on. I have to say I am a bit worried about clearance as I only really had an inch or so between my head and the canopy and with a hat and Zulu 2 headset things might get tight. I was sitting forward a bit and perhaps that may not have been helping. I expect when I'm flying I'l be more than likely leaning back and relaxing so maybe all will be good. Pity help the taller passengers I take. 
I can always do the lowered seat mod later though if I need to I guess.

I was absolutely pumped by how the horizontal tail tips fitted at the end of the day. I was such a nice fit around the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer. I obviously won't be riveting it on until I paint the tail feathers but it is all drilled and ready to go. Both elevators line well with the tips ,so Happy Days.  Time to fit the Stabilizer to the plane I guess :)    

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