I had a go in earnest to fit the baffles this time. As I had the cowlings all done I could then see how and if any trimming or so on needed to be done to the baffles. Essentially this was the end result. I ended up using the original P seal Sonex supplies and found it was easy to install and fit really well. I had a go at installing the regular silicon type seal,got half way around the engine and discarded it for the recommended seal. I have yet to try and fit the cowling since the seals have been fitted so I will let that be a little surprise for me if it is too tight or anything and the cowling has become a monster to fit. I obviously have tried on for size both halves in turn to get the fitment right, just not done a complete cowling install on and off.

The gap around the intake tubing is a result from the extra height the spacers give when under the intake manifolds. I had to elongate the holes. I will need to seal these up obviously to avoid all my precious cooling air spewing out the back unused.
The top mounted cooler went on just fine.
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