Wednesday 3 June 2015


I had to order some spares from a automotive performance shop in Perth to do these fuel lines. The price I paid for the parts was at a BIG premium let me tell you. I have found identical parts on ebay from the same manufacturer for around a quarter of the price. Off track here but usually the only time I have ever seen price differences like that, is with memory cards. Anyway back to the point; I borrowed my mate's pipe bender and made the pipe as below. It came out sweet and I was really surprised with myself nailing it on the first attempt. Blind luck I put it down to but I'll take it! 

The Gascolator is a permanent fixture but I have since changed my mind in regard to the fuel line routing. It was going to work out well but the throttle cable threw a spanner in the works. Essentially the fuel line is just there to hold up the fuel flow meter so I could wire it up and have it set up in the EFIS without it dangling by the wires.  

What I do need to do to the gascolator however, is add an extension in the form of a brass 45 or 30 degree bend and that will have it protrude out the bottom of the cowl for ease of fuel drain during pre flight.  

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