Friday 19 June 2015

Getting closer

Well the new pics of the cargo bay don't seem to reveal too much more detail. Still it looks ok so it will stay for the time being. 

The brake lever and flap lever are shown below in the on and off position for the brake. I had noticed yesterday that the brakes were a bit spongy when I applied them. It must have a slight air leak somewhere. They had been fine for ages and only have been a problem since I disconnected and fitted new olives, as I needed to add those rubber grommets where it goes through the firewall. I hope I just need to nip up the fittings a little. I'm sure that's all it will be. 

Park brake applied. plenty of room for the brake to be on and the flaps in the off position. 

So I finally added the Turbo blankey yesterday and wrapped the post turbo exhaust pipes. This felt good to finalize.  

Just for a little aesthetics and maybe noise cancelling I added some carpet to the floor. It looks really nice and adds to my black interior theme. I will add more to the sides later after the wings are on. 

I had been putting this off for a long time, needing to cut a hole in the cowling for the exhaust exit. This actually was easier than I imagined. I fitted the RHS cowling and used a 12" rule and marked the exit. I used a hole saw to cut the offending obstruction out and Wal ah ,, job done. Painting the cowl will be next I think.

Emily came and helped me do the two person job of fitting the gear leg fairings. Again I had been putting this off for ages and it turned out to be a 20 minute job all up. I am just amazed at how securely they are in position as just a piano hinge is holding them in place. Thumbs up for that design. 

All seat belts now fully fitted. Time for some trim I guess. 

I have fitted an old prop to test fire up the engine. It's a standard Aerovee prop made by Richard Sweetapple. Fantastic finish on it looking at it close up. It's a 54" x 46" . I initially tried it on my Aeropup when I was very naive about props, in fact I still am mostly but I have learned a thing or two :)  The correct prop is on order with Sensenich and I have ordered the cruise prop. 

I again had been putting off making these parts and I am not sure why. They were quite easy to make however I did a bad job in regard to bending the curve in the panel. I dented it everywhere in terms of very small dents. I will have to spend quite some time using putty and sanding it back to get a smooth look to it. There is no way I could just paint and fit them as is. It would really spoil the finish of the whole plane and I have come way too far for that to happen now. 

So at first attempt to fit these I had a little problem with 'plans to brain' recognition. The forward lip is designed to go under and not on top of the fuselage. Lol. Anyway I found it pretty funny at the time as I thought what a stupid way to make the panel. Until I realised I had it wrong. Ha ha.

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