Sunday 21 June 2015

Setting the trim

So a little bit of trim was in order. I trial fit the trim a few times and thought I may have to modify the pilot side, but in fact had to modify both. I found both trims impacted the seat belt flow. I basically just cut a lower corner out of both side trims and re glued the trim to the main frame and that fixed the issue. This had to be done with the addition of the modification to the trim for the throttle quadrant and the flap lever assy. I had a few goes at getting the cut outs right and only trimmed a small amount each time to avoid excess removal of the backing. The pic below shows the end result of the trimming as it was laid out over night under clamps to make sure the trim glue has a good bond. I have not stitched it onto the backing yet but may do so if it pulls away over time. 

In the pic below you can see the small screw I have added to hold the trim in place. This just stops it from floating around and the radio jacks at the front inherently hold the front of the trim in position so I have held off from adding a screw there. As it happens with the modifications to the trim on the pilot side, I had to add two screws to hold it in place as the trim tended to drop a little . I simply made two little angle brackets for the trim retainers and counter sunk the rivets to avoid any interference from the canopy when it is in the closed position. 

I have had to remove the windscreen to fit the dash carpet in the end. I tried to fit the carpet a few times and found that it would be near impossible to do a nice job without removing the windscreen. I had plans to valcro it down and so on but in the end just glued it to the metal. It is not perfect as the gps antenna cable and bolts for the fuel tank level sender poke up here and there, but on a whole it looks great. I am hoping that no big air bubbles occur later. 

Pronounced view of the gps cable 


So here I am trying it on for size after the trim has all been fitted. I must say I like my black interior. I have noticed, sitting in there, that my left leg tends to lean against the flap lever assy and I think it will be a real problem long term. I think I will try to make something or some sort of small cushion I can Valcro on for long flights, to make it just a little bit more comfy :)  

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