Wednesday 3 June 2015

Cowling revisited

Quite often in my life, I have had to eat my words. I was so assured that the cowling was going to be a straight forward affair I guess I deserved it when I came to hurdle.

All was going really well until I added the lower half hinge pin. This tended to force the bottom of the cowling forward and hence make it sit proud of the prop flange. I had a small meltdown at the time and then sat there for ages thinking about the best way to move forward.

 I toyed momentarily with glassing up both the vertical side hinge holes and reshaping from scratch where the cowling meets the fuselage and dismissed that idea promptly as too hard. I figured that perhaps reshaping the nose would be way easier. So again I sat there for a long time then went to work on option 2. 

I enlisted the trusty Dremmel and cutting disc for this task and ground out a blade width and some more towards the lower end.  I have pulled the snout in and reglassed it.  It now fits really well. 

I still need to do some work around the fuel filler area. I have been jumping to and from different areas on the build to keep things interesting and also moving forward. I will get to the fuel door in the near future.  

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